
How Christian Addiction Counseling Can Help You

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Trying to Beat an Addiction? We Can Help.

You know how devastating it can be if a loved one abuses a substance or behavior. A heartbreaking condition, addiction doesn’t just affect the addict— it affects those who love the person who’s addicted. 

No matter what brought you to this pagea search query like “alcohol addiction counseling near me,” “therapy for porn addiction,” “Christian sexual addiction counseling,” “food addiction therapy near me,” or something elseyou’re in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn some fundamental truths about addiction and how to find help.

First, We Determine if You Have an Addiction

There are a few telltale signs of addiction that can help you determine whether or not you have an addiction. For example, you may have an addiction if:

  • The substance or behavior you suspect you’re using is noticeably impacting your relationship with the world around you.
  • You need the substance or behavior to function normally.
  • You routinely inconvenience yourself or others to satisfy your longing for a substance or behavior.
  • You experience withdrawal symptoms if you go without the substance or behavior.
  • You’ve tried to quit, but can’t.

If you’re struggling with addiction, you’re not alone and you don’t have to stay addicted. At Light Counseling, a licensed professional will come alongside you to provide encouragement, advice, information, and skills that you can use to break free. 

Then, We Determine the Type of Addiction

There are two types of addiction that people struggle with: behavioral addictions and physical addictions.

Behavioral Addictions

Behavioral addiction refers to a pattern of compulsive behaviors that an individual engages in despite the negative consequences that accompany those behaviors. Unlike substance addiction, behavioral addictions revolve around specific activities or behaviors that become the focal point of a person’s life, leading to a loss of control and detrimental effects on their overall well-being.

Common examples of behavioral addictions include:

Gambling Addiction: This involves an uncontrollable urge to gamble, even when it leads to financial problems, strained relationships, and emotional distress.

Internet and technology addiction: Excessive use of the internet, social media, video games, or technology can lead to neglecting responsibilities, social isolation, and other consequences.

Compulsive shopping: People with this addiction may frequently overspend on nonessential goods, even when they can’t afford it.

Food addiction: Individuals may develop an unhealthy and compulsive relationship with food. Overeating can create severe and chronic health problems.

Work addiction: Also known as “workaholism,” this addiction involves an excessive focus on work to the detriment of one’s personal life, health, and relationships.

Sexual addiction: Marked by risky sexual decisions, people with this addiction engage in frequent and compulsive sexual behaviors.

Porn addiction: People with this addiction compulsively consume pornography and cannot stop, despite consequences such as social isolation, a damaged view of self and others, and invasive sexual thoughts.

Gaming addiction: Excessive and compulsive video game playing can lead to psychological, physical, and social problems.

These behavioral addictions share several characteristics with substance addiction, such as cravings, loss of control, withdrawal symptoms when the behavior is restricted, and an overall negative impact on life. Treatment often involves therapy, counseling, support groups, and sometimes medication to address underlying issues and help individuals regain control over their behaviors.

Change starts with finding a qualified addiction therapist online or in person. If you’re ready to end an addiction, contact us today.

Physical Addictions

Physical addiction, also known as physiological dependence, occurs when an individual’s body adapts to the presence of a substance and requires it to function normally. This phenomenon is commonly associated with the use of drugs or alcohol. When a person becomes physically addicted to a substance, withdrawal symptoms become inevitable when the person tries to quit.

Here are just a few common physical addictions:

Opioid addiction: Opioids, including prescription painkillers like oxycodone and illicit drugs like heroin, can lead to strong physical dependence. Withdrawal from opioids can be highly uncomfortable, painful, and even dangerous.

Alcohol addiction: Chronic and heavy alcohol consumption can result in physical addiction. Withdrawal from alcohol can be life-threatening and includes symptoms like tremors, seizures, and delirium tremens.

Nicotine addiction: Nicotine, found in tobacco products, is highly addictive. Withdrawal from nicotine can cause irritability, cravings, difficulty concentrating, and mood changes.

Caffeine addiction: While less severe than other types of physical addiction, regular and excessive caffeine consumption can lead to heightened tolerance and withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and irritability.

Prescription stimulant addiction: Prescription stimulants like Adderall and Ritalin, often used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), can lead to physical dependence when misused. Abruptly stopping these medications can lead to withdrawal symptoms and fatigue.

Anabolic steroid addiction: Anabolic steroids, used to enhance muscle growth and athletic performance, can have short- and long-term side effects. These include organ failure, physical dependence, hair loss, and an inability in your body to produce testosterone.

You Can Trust Light Counseling for Addiction Help

Committed to Clinical Excellence

At Light Counseling, our core mission is delivering effective, evidence-based counseling services tailored to your individual needs in each therapy session. Our dedicated therapists conduct comprehensive assessments to gain insights into your challenges. We use what we learn during these assessments to craft personalized treatment plans that precisely align with your requirements.

Throughout your mental health counseling experience at Light, we use a blend of well-researched therapies. These include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness techniques, and trauma-informed care. These proven methodologies have consistently facilitated enduring and meaningful changes that you can also achieve.

In addition, collaboration is critical to the success of our clients. By forging close partnerships with other healthcare providers, such as psychiatrists and medical experts, our counseling services adopt a comprehensive approach to nurturing your overall well-being. Addressing both your mental and physical health enables us to provide holistic support.

Our unwavering commitment lies in offering exceptional care through evidence-based interventions and personalized treatment pathways. Your well-being and progress stand at the heart of all we do. When you seek addiction counseling, we strive to provide you with the best care possible—therapy that results in positive change.

Rooted in the Christian Faith

Our distinctive Christian approach at Light Counseling sets us apart from Christian addiction counseling near you and online. The bedrock of Biblical principles is that our in-person and online addiction counseling informs a faith-based perspective that can help you find true, lasting freedom from addiction.

We’re committed to walking alongside you throughout your journey, no matter how long it takes. Our unique approach integrates optional prayer and scripture-based insights into the therapeutic process. At Light, we believe in God’s love for humanity and His eagerness to help you overcome the challenges you face.

From the moment you step into our office or log in to your online addiction therapy session, you’ll have a compassionate environment free from judgment. Our addiction counselors are ready to listen, understand, and gently guide you through your struggles.

Whether you’re looking for Christian counseling for alcohol addiction, Christian counseling for porn addiction, substance abuse counseling from a Christian perspective, Christian sexual addiction counseling, or therapy for another issue, Light Counseling is the place for you.

FAQ’s About Christian Counseling for Addiction

What are the signs and symptoms of addiction?

The signs of addiction depend on the substance or behavior. Still, some common patterns and indicators can suggest the presence of an addiction. Not all characters need to be present for an addiction to be diagnosed, and the severity of the symptoms can also vary. Here are some general signs and symptoms of addiction:

Compulsion and Cravings:

  • Strong and uncontrollable urges to engage in the addictive behavior or use the substance.
  • Persistent thoughts centered around obtaining and using the substance or engaging in the behavior.

Loss of Control:

  • Difficulty limiting or controlling the amount or frequency of substance use or engagement in the behavior.
  • Unsuccessful attempts to cut down or quit despite a desire to do so.


  • Heightened tolerance, or needing more of the substance to achieve the desired effect.
  • Developing a reduced response to the substance over time.

Withdrawal Symptoms:

  • Experiencing physical or psychological symptoms when the substance is reduced or discontinued. These symptoms can range from mild discomfort to severe distress.

Neglecting Responsibilities:

  • Prioritizing substance use or engaging in addictive behavior over work, school, family, or social obligations.
  • Failing to meet responsibilities and obligations due to preoccupation with the addiction.

Interference with Relationships:

  • Neglecting or distancing oneself from friends and family members.
  • Engaging in secretive or deceptive behavior to hide the extent of the addiction.

Loss of Interest:

  • Losing interest in activities and hobbies that were previously enjoyable.
  • A narrowing of interests to focus mainly on the addictive substance or behavior.

Continued Use Despite Consequences:

  • Continuing to use the substance or engage in the behavior despite experiencing negative physical, psychological, or social consequences.

Failed Attempts to Quit:

  • Repeatedly trying to quit or reduce substance use or addictive behavior without success.
  • Relapsing after a period of abstinence.

Escalating Use:

  • Escalating the amount or frequency of substance use or engagement in the behavior over time.
  • Moving from occasional use to regular, compulsive use.

What's the best way to deal with an addiction?

The best first step to dealing with addiction is recognizing your problem. If you crave a substance or behavior, feel that you need it to function normally, would be upset without it, or inconvenience yourself to get a fix, you may have an addiction. Acknowledging that you have an addiction is key to defeating it.

Once you’ve recognized an addiction, seek addiction therapy services. Getting in touch with a Christian addiction counselor near you could be the difference between you beating your addiction and your addiction lingering for years. If you’re not comfortable meeting in person or we don’t have an office near you, Light Counseling offers clinically excellent addiction therapy online.

Third, building a support network can go a long way in your battle against addiction. Reach out to friends, family members, and loved ones who will support you in your recovery. Participating in support groups through a church can help support you as you resist cravings.

Does counseling help with addiction?

Yes, counseling has proven to be an effective form of addiction treatment. Whether you’re struggling with alcohol abuse, a substance abuse disorder, eating disorders, sex addiction, or food addiction, counseling is a great way to break free from addiction.

How long does addiction counseling last?

Addiction counseling lasts as long as it takes someone to beat their addiction decisively. For some people, counseling lasts just a few months. For others, addiction counseling provides accountability for years.

Is counseling confidential?

Yes. Whether you meet with an addiction therapist online or in person, your sessions are completely confidential. Nothing you share with your counselor is shared with anyone else.